Thursday 22 May 2014

Ideas and topic

1. Package of mobile application and promoting website.
*not sure will be working on what theme/ problem yet

This weather application is simple yet easy to get the sufficient amount of information out of it. The application is a focused app rather than having different features which do not serve the main purpose of application.

The Bar Shuffle application also gives users direct information and feedback with the randomizing feature.

TimeRing simple alarm app which gives direct feedback with minimal design.

Inspiration: Simple interaction that eases users to get direct information or feedbacks.
Heroes to work with: Yiwei

2. Package of game application and promoting website, short animation.

Patapon, a rhythmic adventure game. A game where the characters are triggered by the beat tapped by the user. Each beat represents different movement, forward/ attack/ defense.

Darklings is very much similar to Patapon, but instead of using beats and rhythm the change the interaction into gesture. Users have to draw according to the patterns of the monster.

O2Jam U Ultimate Rhythm Action Game

Rhythmic game where it was used to be on computer platform. A game where user has to tap according to the falling beats and it will generate music out of it. The higher the combo the higher the points earned by user.

The Red Riding Hood
A side-scrolling platform game where user controls Red to achieve the goal. Non music but the art style is really good and also the side-scrolling platform game which I can learn from.

Inspiration: While playing guitar & rhythm game o2jam
Heroes to work with: Yiwei

3. Advertising using web/ installation (creative thinking)
One of the winner from Horizon. Smooth UI and UX, not much of a advertising website. A portfolio website where the UI & UX can be learn from.
Laziness website, a simple and minimal website which has very good UI/UX. Clean and easy to access.
"Love Your Eyes", using installation to advertise their products. Using new stuffs to attract crowds to promote their product. Tackling human's nature of curiousity.
Installation from The Fun Theory. Which a simple interaction, it brings fun to people and has the ability to attract crowd. I love their idea of bringing in "fun" into advertisting.

Inspiration: While reading on advertising books in the library, simple great idea & when watched the fun theory's installations which makes everything interesting and clever.
Heroes to work with: -

1 comment:

  1. - Research more on artefacts of rhythm + adventure game on other platforms.
    - User research, what type of characteristic of user has that plays these type of games.
    - Technical research, flash or unity? Which are the better software to use to develop the game.
